Wednesday, December 5, 2007

10 reasons bikes are better than cars

1.Bicycling for an hour at a moderate pace burns approximately 500 calories.

2.A four mile round trip bike ride prevents approximately 15 pounds of pollutants from entering the atmosphere.

3.High gas prices, dependence on foreign oil, the depletion of a non-renewing natural resource.

4. No car payments, auto insurance, parking permits or tickets.

5.The average yearly cost of car ownership is over $7000, the average yearly bike cost is under $300 and can be less depending on how much of your own maintenance and repair you perform.

6.Bicycling is aerobioc/cardiovascular exercise which has been proven to reduce a person’s risk of heart disease, some cancers, and their chance of becoming obese.

7.Bicycling reduces stress and symptoms of depression.

8.Economic vitality is increased in urban areas that promote bicycle and pedestrian traffic over car traffic.

9.Bicycling is a great way to spend time with family and to meet your neighbors.

10.Bicyclists don’t have to sit in traffic.

Environmental Challenge

What Do You Do for the Environment?

Published November 19, 2007 by The Huffington Post
By Abrahm Lustgarten

Al Gore finally made climate change "real" - god forbid, even trendy. So have you changed the way you live yet? And no, I don't mean buying guilt passes to add on to your airline tickets and offset your carbon footprint. I don't mean driving the oh-so-highly touted Chevrolet Tahoe or Cadillac Escalade, both of which were announced in hybrid models in Los Angeles last week. (Those vehicles now harness all the technology the 21st Century can offer to deliver around 20 miles per gallon - a fraction of what a Honda Civic got in the mid 1980s.) I'm talking about the kind of adjustments to your personal lifestyle and changes of long-engrained habit that Webster might define as "sacrifice"; The kind of changes that will actually make a difference. The kind of changes that acknowledge that the world is shared among a population that dwarfs that of the United States and Europe and has its own emerging needs, which will be hard to deny. It's past time.

The latest United Nations report this week characterized our planet as hurtling itself off the deep end unless something is done - and fast. That might make it easy to vote urgently on environmental issue next November, or even to demand our representatives start quickly making legislation and broad-stroke sacrifices to cut the toes off our national carbon footprint now. But those measures - which could result in things like a $5 gallon of gas or $4 Costa Rican bananas at the supermarket -- are not likely to be taken until we prove we are committed to them with more than our votes.

So what are YOU going to do? As we wade into Thanksgiving and the holiday season, does one less cross-country airline flight sound like too much to ask? How about a weekend around the house in place of a drive into the mountains? Perhaps its time that bicycle of yours gets more than a novel spin around town. (Lots of people bike to work, why can't you?) It's time to consider what we, as four percent of the earth's population yet citizens of the most polluting country on the planet, are actually entitled to as our fair share of the limited resources available. Calculated mathematically, it's not much. And so maybe a bit of real change at home is not too much to ask.

Bio: Abrahm Lustgarten is a contributing writer for Fortune magazine and the recipient of a MacArthur Foundation grant for international reporting. His articles, including many on globalization and energy issues and the environment, have appeared in Esquire, Sports Illustrated, The New York Times, Outside, and Salon. His book China's Great Train, a non-fiction narrative about that country's economic expansion to its wild west and Tibet, is due out in May.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

If obesity doesn't kill you gas prices will

"High Gas Prices Could Mean A Slimmer You"

As rising gasoline prices are forcing many Americans to tighten their financial belts, it may lead to them tightening the belts around their waist.

"An additional $1 in real gasoline prices would reduce obesity in the U.S. by 15 percent after three years," said Charles Courtemanche, an economics researcher at Washington University in St. Louis. "In fact, about 13 percent of the rise in obesity between 1979 and 2004 can be attributed to falling real gas prices during the period."
According to Courtemanche's analysis, the reduction in obesity caused by a $1 increase in gasoline prices would save 16,000 lives and $17 billion a year.

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